Sunday, November 30, 2008

End of a turbulent month

November is over, Thanksgiving is almost up, and we are in the homestretch for the end of the fall semester. Tensions run high as the economy (and gas prices) go south. As Keith Olbermann keeps up his liberal rhetoric on O'Reilly and others, everybody else is cautious of an Obama presidency with a little suspicion and a lot of fear.

A Democrat Congress and President in the midst, we now must make the best of the end of a legacy. President Bush came in as the "illegitimate" elected President from the chaos in Florida 2000. Now he goes out with the worst approval rating, Katrina, two wars, a faltering economy, and the American reputation ruined by tortured prisoners and Middle East wars.

Personally, I have some fear of an Obama presidency. Bill Clinton came in promising change and the GOP took over the Congress in 2 years. However, this time we don't have a Newt Gingrich to promise us a Contract for America and fiscal discipline. Instead, we have infighting among Republican over who should support the new political powers coming to Washington next year and their fiscally irresponsible spending requests and bail-outs for everybody.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It's Official!!

Barack Hussein Obama will become President. As of 1pm CT, Obama had at least 338 electoral votes, well above the 270 necessary to win. The states that tipped in his favor from four years ago were Ohio, Florida, Iowa, New Mexico, Colorado, and others that will fall into his victory margin. Obama will be the 44th president and the first black man to win the highest office in the greatest nation on earth.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Joe the Plumber and Debate Spin

The debate season is over. FINALLY!!! My scorecard says that McCain won the first debate, Palin won the V-P debate, McCain and Obama fought to a draw in the 2nd debate, and Obama won the third. Why? Too many references to Joe the Plumber and other irrelevant points.

After the debate, the media destroyed the person known as Joe the Plumber. The media dug into his personal life and found that he could not afford the small business he wanted to buy on his working class salary and that he was not even licensed to be a plumber. Thus, Joe the Plumber will become a footnote to this election of ups and downs.

The one thing that angered me about the debates is the reference made by Obama that a spending freeze would be applying a hatchet to where a scalpel is needed. To be quite honest, the budget deficit will be about $1 trillion in the red for the next fiscal years. Five or 6 hatchets will be needed to cut all that excessive drain on the budget.

It looks like Obama will win the election unless something dramatically happens.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Early Voting

While I was away for a week from NSU, I took the opportunity to cast my ballot early in my hometown. I will not disclosed how I voted for candidates. However, those who know me would know how I voted.

When it came to the Constitutional Amendments and Initiatives, I voted no on all. I could not vote for any of the three Initiatives. The one on Open Government is a complete farce. The initiative on stocks did not make any sense. As for the abortion initiative, I am pro-life, but this is not the method to overturn Roe v. Wade. Also, the explanation from the Attorney General stated that all three initiative would be challenged on constitutional ground. Thus, we should save South Dakota money by not getting challenged in court over these initiatives and spend money on attorney fees and court costs.

I encourage everyone to vote. However, don't vote "early and often." That's called voter fraud.

Friday, October 3, 2008


After the collapse of the financial markets following the Monday vote, Congress passed the Bail-Out Bill. Major revisions to the bill include tax cuts and pet projects totalling $150 billion that were necessary for the bill to pass. The Senate passed it 74-25 and the House passed it 263-171. Those voting Aye were 91 Republicans and 172 Democrats. Those voting Nay were 108 Republicans and 68 Democrats.

This is a typical Congressional bill that gave the executive branch more power while granting money for pork-barrel projects for certain members of Congress. More of the same from Washington.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Bail-Outs, Markets, and politics

Over the past week-end, the media told the American media told us that if the Congress did not pass the $700 billion bail-out, the economy as we know it would fail. The credit market would freeze, thus nobody could get a loan or even make a transaction on their credit card. The American economy will go south, and foreign investors will leave, leading to a massive depression.

However, the Bail-out bill failed 228-205 in the House. Both sides blame each other and nothing will be done until at least late Wednesday to early Thursday due to Rosh Hashanah. Sixty-five Republicans and 140 Democrats went along with this Bail-out Plan. However, 133 Republicans and 95 Democrats voted against the bill.

The Bail-Out bill, we are told, would stabilize the economy and assure foreign markets that the US government was committed to keep the global economy going. However, what the government was really doing was to assume debt, good and bad, from banks and lending firms so they can keep the economy growing by freeing up money in the credit market. Now, with the defeat of the bill and the two day wait until reconsideration, the economy might take a further correction. The Dow Jones plunged 777 points and more will be lost until a better bill is in place.

It is refreshing to see a bill that was flawed and bad for consumers and taxpayers alike defeated, to force it back to the conference room and renegotiated so it can become a better bill.